Garden Therapy

  • Just getting outside is rejuvenating for young and old. But what if you couldn't? There was a study done in a Scandinavian hospital with patients who had all had the same operation. One fourth of them had a picture of a horse put in their room, one fourth of them had a picture of a garden, one fourth of them had an abstract picture and the last group got no art at all. Which group do you think left the hospital in the shortest time? The horse group? No, they were second to those who got the garden picture. (Having no art at all was better for patients than having an abstract "picture"!) 
  • It is also true that real flowers are a tonic. They make the people in their presence happier and more creative. (We were, after all, created in the image of God, who created all the flowers.)
  • The winter picture is from one of our 2011 gardens, while the summer one is from one of our 2012 homes. Try to locate it while you take the tour.